I would no more push the freedom to slaughter children then I would push for the freedom to slaughter anyone else.
Slaughter is not the only condition of murder and I don't know if it makes the sin worse. Again, are you truly pro-life?
It iwl close down the abortion mills and make it not available.
So let's just get rid of all laws.
Sure, you can close the mills but that won't stop abortions. Meth labs are illegal but there is tons of it on the streets.
Mothers who want to slaughter their unborn child would be guilty of a crime as it should be. A mother dying in the activity of murder is far different than the death of the child. But libbies have huge problems making legitimate comparisons.
This is where I really part with you.
The mother who seeks an abortion has far more problems than just the obvious. This is a person who is truly crying on the inside in seek of direction. God has made us custodians, defenders and propagators of the direction which they SHOULD seek. Our mission, the great commission is to present the direction.
Who are we to cast away a soul because they are considering a bad choice or is our mission to do our best to help this individual see the light? Who are we to write off a person because they've sinned? Did God give you that license? I mean to write them off without first witnessing.
The mother is still a life and a soul put here by God and is someone we should equally seek to save. To deny this is to pass your own judgment on this individual and makes you just as guilty of murder. Eternal murder...
It seems one can be so caught up in being anti-abortion that we forget the real mission of the Church. That is why God has us here, to go into the world and make disciples. We are here to save all souls and not just those of the unborn (who are already saved by the way).
And laws are made to protect innocent lives, in this case it would be the child. The disconnect in the psyche that fails to see that is astounding.
You completely missed my point, we all have sinned. To say you haven't is to call God a liar. However, we are saved from our sins because we were not written off. Jesus is offering salvation to the mother and we should be equally concerned about her life, her soul. Anyone making bad decision shows or hands the work the have to do. To turn your back on that work is to turn your back on the Mission of Christ and His Church.
Again Rev, I hate to see anyone get so anti abortion that they forget about the mission of the Church. I have no problem with doing for the unborn but I believe God's concern and love is for all life and not just the unborn.
I may be wrong but I cry less for the unborn because they bypassed the misery and suffering of this world and went directly to be with the Lord. A law won't change that but I am not against having the law.