Ed Edwards
<img src=/Ed.gif>
Yep, (individual name removed, - be nice, now, MP) loves the womenfolk. NOT!
Great compassion for those in bad situations who are hurting.
Amen, Brother MP -- Preach it !!
Revmitchell's trailer:
America was founded by Right Wing Extremists.
should be:
America was slam dunked by Right Wing Extremists.
I heard Presedent Obama's press conference today (I'd rather have watched Y&R
1. His stand on Iran
1. Ed's stand: Amen, Brother President Obama -- Preach it!
2. His stand on economic bill
2. Ed's stand: Amen, Brother President Obama -- Preach it!
3. His stand on Health and Health Insurance:
3. Ed's stand was (before rest of speech): Yep, screw Ed, he enjoys paying others.
3. During his speech I realized: My whole family lives off the dole. I have one of the best health insurance policies available for the working person in the World. I get to buy the plan I want to from those available (I go for health insurance for Senior Citizens / i r 1 / ) (I go for family plans - I'm raising a family - couple of grandchildren).
Sorry, I now favor President Obama's plan.
The churches FAILED to do the simple task of taking care of orphans and widows and help the SICK. [the churches didn't even do all that great a job of winning the world, even though there are more nominal Christians (numbers and %) now than since 33AD when Jesus Rose from the Grave.
The goverment can do a better job than the churches. I'll gladly pay tax on my Medicare to pay for the orphans, widows, disabled, unemployed and victims of society (governmental social order).
God Bless the New Order - the USofA ! ! !
Look onl the back of the USofA one dollah bill - right there it is under the all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid (left side):
'novus' a Latin word from which we get our word 'new'
'ordo' a Latin word from which we get our word 'order'
'sectorum' a Latin word from which we get our word 'secular';
'secular' is as opposed to 'churchy' i.e. ' the world' a word used in the Bible for the world order, world way of doing things under the governance of our old lord & savior: The Satan (name unknown).
I think I'll give that dollah to the poor
Blessed be our New Lord and Savior: :jesus:
Messiah Jesus -- been working on me for 57 years now.
I was talking to one of my church members and we thought we would do something to honor our member who turns 98-years-old this month. Somebody else said come Sept this would be his his 50th year of Sunday School teaching. I said "No, I'm only 65 and I've been teaching Sunday School most of the years since I was 15 -- that is fifty years. Must be 70, not 70. I was right, of course. He was saved when 27 years old and started teaching 70 years ago when he was 28 years old.
P.S. most people who post here take personal slams with the adage:
When Peter disses Paul,
it tells you more about Peter
than about Paul.
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