The real message we may be telegraphing to the world may not be about reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons..... but that we have issues with Korea and Iran.
I think the super powers and brains behind the NWO actually want a war with Iran.... and maybe a conflict with Korea. It would push the weakened economies beyond the point of self recovery, demand greater economic collaboration between nations, reduce the strong holds of sovereignty amongst many people who are broken by havoc and devastation and impact the environment and populations, and create such a demand for assistance and relief that the governments and their economies would submit to consolidations and collaborations of power. I regret having to say the next because of its implications... but I do think there is a cabal of elietist in cloistered positions of power, who do not believe in our God, but have their own spirituality in the occult and dark forces and are driven by these forces to control and destroy the world as we have known it: They are driven by the same demonic forces as Hitler and are following a playbook which nearly brought him success. They too have ideas about racial superiority and cleansing...... but it is not as clearly divided as we might think. [We 'think' in divisions of colors and origins and culture and religions, 'white collar' vs 'blue collar' etc. By knowing how 'we' think... they can manipulate and divide us, just like hitler did. ........this is one reason why I would not answer the 'race ' question on the census. It does not belong to any people to whom it is not a difference: To those who would make a difference it is a tool to divide humanity into sub groups.] They view 'race' in terms of power and DNA. [Evolution is their theory.] Because they have power, they believe they are superior and deserve to rule the world and are genetically superior. The rest of us are expendable to serve their ends and too weak and ignorant to be free and entrusted with self-rule........ and deserve to be ruled upon. Conflicts are their creation and the sacrifice of soldiers and innocent civilians in those unjust wars are blood sacrifices to their demons, keeping those appeased and cloaked in their dark powers. They've sold their souls and are past redemption. They are involved in the scandals of the Vatican and church, corruption of governments, through vairous ranks of the military and the positions in the defense dept. (it only takes a few)). Jesus Christ and His church is their only and greatest enemy. And the weapons of our warfare is prayer and knowledge of the Word and the righteousness of the blood of the lamb of God our faith and shield.