Pastor Larry said:
That's incorrect. In post #44, I responded to your request by linking to it. Should we assume that you missed post #44 or that you are dishonest?
Again, simply incorrect. The agreement to pull out had been in the works long before Obama was even elected. The probable date had already been decided.
It's hard to believe you are this out of touch. You should take some of your BB time and catch up on current events. Do more reading and less talking. It will help you to be informed on some of these issues.
Your link is entitles "Spending in the Stimulus Bill." Spending is what we need to jump start the economy. Get it? Frankly, I don't see any really unnecessary items in this list. Which ones do you think are out of line?
Some examples:
$290 million for "Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations"
$50 million for "Wastershed Rehabiliation Program"
$1 billion for rural housing direct loans
$10.4 billion for rural housing guaranteed loans
$2.5 billion for rural distance learning, telemedicine and broadband
$100 million in grants for National School Lunch Program equipment assistance
$150 million in agricultural commodity assistance
$1 billion for the Census Bureau
$4.7 billion for "Broadband Technology Opportunities Program" which includes $350 million for the
development of a "broadband inventory map"
$650 million for Digital TV converter box program
$220 million for Scientific research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
$360 million for Construction of scientific research facilities
$230 million in extra budget money for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
$600 million for NOAA "Procurement, Acquisition and Construction"
$225 million in grants for programs to combat violence against women
$2 billion in state and local law enforcement assistance grants
$225 million in grants to improve the criminal justice system
$225 million in law enforcement assistance to Indian Tribes
$100 million for the "office for Victims of Crime"
$125 million in law enforcement assistance for rural areas
$50 million in state and local grants to combat internet crime against kids
$1 billion for the COPS program