You read a summary. You disagree. K.
[Screen name edited]When someone posits that the earth was created inside a white hole, a gravity well at the center of the universe, and this is the reason why mere days could elapse on Earth while the rest of the universe had millions of years elapse, you snort and scoff.
It's a scoffing not based on real knowledge, only on the notions you've grown up with propped up with fragmented info. Tell me again which postulate of any of either of Einstein's theories have your independently verified . . . Oh yeah.
None. You're notions are base only on what you've read or watched on TV.
If I find physicists like Humphreys or Harnett (and there are more) who indubitably know more about what they're talking about than you do, why should anyone care whether or not you believe them?
Your real argument here is whom we should believe.
Why should we believe you and not them? Why should we believe the people you believe?
We shouldn't. But we should believe Moses.
Find support for the white hole gravity well in Scripture. Oh? Not there? Then it's just an attempt to make science fit into scripture.
But then you haven't read them, and you won't, so you don't know what their evidence is.
To the rest. I posted an article, and quotes from Einstein and Hawking, that state that the theories of Relativity put geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe (not the solar system) on equal footing. One can assume any body to be in the center of the mass of the universe and motionless and justify that model with the known laws of physics. In short, there is no more truth in the heliocentric model than there is in the geocentric model.
Now that's what the physicists say. But it was news to InTheLight [Screen name edited], and so he wants to fight you, not the physicists, and spouts his notions about physics as if the physicists he's mocking have never heard any of the justifications for his superior and more true notions.
But my quoted statement was admittedly a poor expression in a wholly different discussion of this statement:
If one considers the rotating roundabout as being
at rest, the centrifugal gravitational field assumes enormous values at
large distances, and it is consistent with the theory of General
Relativity for the velocities of distant bodies to exceed 3 × 108 m/sec
under these conditions. (An Introduction to the Theory of General Relativity. Rosser.)
But all this really highlights the real issue. The physics of cosmology are too theoretical and defy any real testing. It's more philosophy than science, and so, saying the speed of light is c so that proves an old universe is not telling the whole story.
And has no bearing on the meaning of the Genesis day. I believe Moses. ITL does not. That's the bottom line.