Originally Posted by Darrell C View Post
Are you a Hebrew Scholar?
I taught Hebrew at the graduate level in the Seminary where I taught for 25 years. And you?
lol...good to know. Just wanted to know if you were or you read that somewhere.
And me, no, apparently I'm just the public fool.
Why would Adam not have an appearance of age?
To assign a present day phenomena to ancient Adam is to commit a serious anachronism. Compare what Adam looked like at 500 years of age and compare it to what a man looks like today at 500 years of age then tell me which one has "the appearance of age."
How is someone having an appearance of age a present day phenomena?
All that was in view was that Adam was created a fully functional adult.
And you contribute to the point I made earlier in regards to Adam's access to the tree of life.
There is a difference between Adam Pre-Fall and Adam Post-Fall.
But it still remains he was created an adult.
The dogmatic statement here is that "Scripture does not give any indication of the age of the earth," and I beg to differ...but it does. And gave my reasoning.
Please post a scripture that says "The earth is 6000 years old." Or that "the earth was created in 4004 BC." The FACT is that the bible does not say how old the earth is.
Please answer my questions.
Instead of getting defensive.
I don't have to say the earth is 6,000 years old, and not sure I have actually said that (but I do believe the earth is just under 6,000 years old, by the way, in case I haven't).
And my view maintains the minimum of what can be accounted for through Scripture.
You mock Usher and apparently consider yourself much smarter than he, but just how smart is it to add so much time to the record of Scripture?
And then refuse even to address questions about it?
And you ask me...
So you believe the bible is wrong and that God lied
Please explain how you work in that extra 19,000 years.
I don't. If you would actually read what I write you wouldn't make such a public fool of yourself.
I will not say I don't make a fool of myself at times, that is a given.
But at least I can stand behind what I say.
Are you now saying you don't believe the earth may be 25,000 years old?
While I do think Adam's lifespan is that which is given and that starts at his creation, I am not going to be dogmatic about that.
So you have changed your mind and no longer believe God is a liar?
I am thinking we have had and exchange before and you are still upset about it.
The only thing that explains your behavior.
What I haven't changed my mind about is that I believe it within reasonable possibility that Adam may have been in the Garden for a certain duration, and that his lifespan could begin at the Fall. I don't embrace that view, but I am not dogmatic about it.
Not sure why that is so hard to understand.
Adam was made a living soul on the day of his creation and he lived 930 years total and had lived 130 years when Seth was born?
Again, Adam had access to the Tree of Life which could make a difference.
Adam was not subject to death in the Garden, that was only possible after the Fall.
Pretty simple concept. Easier than presenting Scripture as so ridiculously off.
I have ignored the rest of your twaddle
Good thing for you, likely. Then there would be two of us making fools of ourselves in public.
as being more of your seeming inability to focus on the topic.
Some good points made and you know it.
So is it okay if I am dogmatic about you believing the earth is 25,000 years old, and that you are dogmatic that there is quite a lot of history that didn't make it into the Bible?
God bless.