Originally Posted by Darrell C View Post
If we go by the years given...no. While I have only done a quick run through of the lifespans given, and would have to recheck, it looks like he died about 3 years before Abraham. I will recalculate later to see if I have made a mistake.
Why would that be an issue anyway?
Because if the genealogy is closed Seth lived 14 years after Abraham's death.
Nothing unusual in that. According to my calculations Adam died 126 years before Noah was born, Lamech died 5 years before the Flood, and Methuselah died the year of the Flood.
Why would Shem outliving Abraham, or them being contemporary make any difference?
Because the closed chronology of Genesis 11 would assign only 300 years to the entire list.
No, it wouldn't. Not that this would make any difference or be a reason to dismiss the Chronology is not very close, and this if we consider the genealogies being incomplete.
Genesis 11:10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:
11 And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
So beginning with Shem we see a 600 year period of history.
Not 300.
Are you a Theistic Evolutionist?
No. Are you?
No, just wanted to make sure, because that would change the tenor of the discussion. The implication of Theistic Evolution and the impact that has on the current discussion opens the discussion to a much broader arena.
I will redo my math in regards to Shem's death when I have more time, but that is an interesting point. Still not sure why you would feel him being a contemporary of Abraham would be rejected, in light of man's longer duration and the decline we see in the genealogies.
God bless.