That's a cop-out, and you know it. Did you not have at least one history course during your upbringing? Are you the product of a failed public school system, or a "chained in the basement homeschooled kid"?
The scenario is very simple. Americans at that time were upset about increasing taxes, and increasing government control. Some of them started talking about taking up arms against that government, and encouraged others to do the same.
Would you have preached to them what you preach here?
Just a note here for Don
My wife and I have homeschooled our kids for the past 14 years----this is our last year---we draw homeschooling to a close in our lives with the graduation of our boy----seems like yesterday we started with him
As homeschoolers---they were NOT (as you say) chained in the basement---but were on top of their Revolution history through such channels as Patrick Henry College, Bob Jones & Sonlight curriculms
I thank the Lord Jesus that our United States Founders took up arms against the tyranny of the United Kingdom's King George and knowing what I know ---- and my children knowing what they know of our nation's birth-----we would not have hesitated a moment in grabbing our Musket and becoming part of General Washington's Militia!!
But 235 years into the future---to our day----we don't have a congress with the nerve to stand against tyranny---nor do we have a general public with the backbone and stomach to look through the iron sights of a Musket toward the enemy of a free Republic
I am in the middle of watching the mini series by Ken Burns on the Civil War---and exclaimed to my wife that we don't have an American public willing to fight the third "Bull Run"(it was fought twice during the War between the States)---nor do we have the stomach to stand firm at places like Gettysburg, Shiloh and Vicksburg(win or loose, Union or Confederate)----noone in modern society has the stomach or nerve to do it all over again--whether they would choose to fight for Union and Grant or Confederate and Lee!!!
Congress does not have the GUTS to impeach a immoral, God forsaken President whos misgivings in the Oval Office is a disgrace to the history of the United States of America(I'm talking about Clinton)----where in the world will they find the GUTS to stand against what we see going on towards the FISCAL CLIFF wer'e stampeeding toward at this very moment!!!!