In reference to (Matthew 7:13-14): With Christianity as the world's largest religion and a third of earth's population, how can it be said that we are the few who even found the path to salvation?
In reference to (Matthew 7:24-27): Doesn't this speak to the fact that anyone who does not implement the Sermon on the Mount is doomed? Especially when you consider that it comes just after a scary warning in (Matthew 7:21-23) about false disciples, who had miraculous good works even, but failed to obey Jesus and His Father, the Lord, and were thus cast into hell.
In reference to the "sin lists" of (
Galatians 5:19-21), (
Colossians 3:5-6), (
Romans 1:26-31), (
1 Timothy 1:9-10), (
Revelation 21:8), (
2 Corinthians 12:20-21), and (
Ephesians 5:3-7): Why is the bible not literally true in these cases, that those who do such things in this life are in fact doomed to hell? Even those who claim salvation and do such things, as this is addressed originally to disciples.
In reference to both (Mark 9:43) (Matthew 10:28) and (Matthew 5:30): why are the disciples even told this stuff? I mean, if they are eternally safe as disciples why such dire warnings about going to hell because of sinning? Also, don't these verses raise the specter that it is a lifestyle of sin in disobedience to Jesus' commands that is indicative of a false disciple?
In reference to (Matthew 7:17-20): Why are those prophets, and nowadays teachers, who bear any bad fruit at all in their lives and teaching not treated as false? I know this could be said of the vast majority of teachers nowadays form Sunday school to the pulpit, but isn't their rejection what the bible asks for? I will also mention (1 Timothy 5:20) as support for this since it demands that elders who sin be rebuked publicly in front of the congregation so that no one will follow after their example. However, I don't want to go too far with this, as (1 Timothy 5:19) tells us to not accuse an elder of sin unless there are 2-3 witnesses.
In reference to (Romans 8:9-13), (Galatians 5:22-25): How can a person's life that is not dominated by the victory of the Spirit over sin, a Spirit that dwells within them and gives them his fruit, ever lead to a remotely normal life like those around us? Yet, polls show that evangelical Christians often sin as boldly as atheists, people whom the bible labels vile fools (Psalms 14:1).
In reference to (1 Corinthians 15:1-2): How can believers have faith in Jesus and yet believe in vain?
In reference to (1 Corinthians 9:27): How can Paul believe he will be disqualified from the prize at all if he does not try so hard to follow Jesus?
Don't these verses indicate that it is by our works that we show the world we are Jesus Christ's disciples and children of the Lord? I am not saying Jesus' Cross does not save, as it is by faith in Jesus and his death and resurrection that we are saved at all. Instead I am saying that those who have the Holy Spirit living inside them and are truly children of God will be known by their works. Because Jesus and the Lord live within them.
OK, I will stop as I amazed by these arguments and the sheer number of verses I have left to go through. This seems like the halfway point. I'll continue later today or tomorrow with the second half.