Here are the things you have said about a man who is a pastor (not your pastor).
“His children make remarks like, "I never knew why my Dad didn't love me."
His children are afraid of him.” The spouses of the children are afraid of him. His wife is afraid to disagree with him.”
If his children, their spouses, or his wife told you any of this, your passing it on to anyone (according to Matt 18) is gossip. You should have advised them to initiate church discipline on the man, and pray for restoration. If you witnessed the behavior yourself, you should have initiated church discipline on the man (according to Matt 18) To pass the information on to anyone else is gossip.
You said:
“His children all went through periods in their life of alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, or even run-ins-with-law, but when they moved away from him, they all settled down into Christian living.”
This is an observation on your part that makes assumptions and is pure gossip.
“Am I being judgemental to have serious doubts about the man's ability to lead a church?”
Whether you are judgmental or not, I don’t know. You are being a busybody and a gossip.
“My church is not directly involved in the issue. Someone who is was asked for their opinion on the man, and they knew that I knew what they knew.”
How did they know? Have you been talking (gossiping) to them about the pastor before?
“The statments regarding the issues that have taken place within the man's family came directly from the individuals in the family who were involved”
Repeating that information is gossip.
“We haven't told anyone, "Oh, well, you know, his oldest daughter got pregnant when she was 17, and his youngest son got a girl pregnant and refused to marry her, and his oldest son was only married for six months before his wife said she couldn't live with someone like him, and two daughters and two sons all drank until they moved away from home."
You didn’t tell anyone but 12,000 people on this board. Just because you didn’t “name names” does not negate the fact that you are gossiping about this man and his family.
“Though all of those things are facts, they were not related to anyone.”
Apparently they were repeated to someone, or else how would “they know that I know what they know”, which is a bunch of gossip.
“The truth is, I would never, ever vote for that man to serve as a pastor of a chuch I worshipped in, but I knew that if I said that it could damage the man and people would ask why I felt that way. I didn't want to be the one to keep him out of a pastorate, even though, my heart tells me he shouldn't be in one.”
If you felt this strongly, you should have approached him directly and initiated church discipline.
Does your heart tell you anything about repenting for all this gossip?