jdcanady, no...what ends up on here is no different from the news. Both mediums are being used to explain something that happened.Originally posted by jdcanady:
King James
I don't understand why you think a person's name has to be given in order for it to be gossip. Please explain your reasoning.
And what ends up on the news is not the same as what ends up on a Christian debate board.
If a pastor is to be held to a higher standard then this is obviously not gossip. It is not gossip when you don't give the people's names and sometimes it's not even gossip when you do give the people's names as long as what you are saying is TRUE. Gossip depends on certain factors, one being the person's motive and YOU don't know her motive.
I have one more reason why it is not gossip. Because you are sitting here participating IN THE POST!! How can you participate and then condemn it as gossip? Now...if this IS gossip then I would assume all the things said about TS all over the boards that I HAVE read would be considered gossip as well, no???
TS, you're welcome. It is absolutely amazing and sad to see the kinds of things people have said about you all over the board. Just consider the source...that it's par for the course.