Did you explain to the child why you were spanking him in public, or why you spank at all? If the child feels shamed in public, that can undo all of the training and nurturing up to that point.
Webdog, every spanking in this house starts with the words, "Do you understand why you are in trouble?". That is their chance to head off disaster. There have been times when I changed my mind about spanking them and together we came up with a different solution based on "if this stops_____ then it's dealt with, but the very next time you ____ we coming back to having to have a spanking."
Not only, but spankings are always followed by discussions after the child is calm and the incident fully settled about what led up to the spanking and how one can be avoided the next time.
I promise you, when I stopped that car next to a "switch tree" my child knew
exactly what the problem was.
When we went into that bathroom I had told my child in firm tones what he had done/was still doing and what I planned to do to stop it. He had all the way from the checkout counter to the restroom to stop kicking and screaming.
You know, I have really good kids. These spanking were some of the few they ever recieved, but, there for a while, going out in public was getting to be a problem. You can't send a kid to there room or give them a time-out while you are in a grocery store. It just doesn't work.
These instances were power plays, btw. Every kid has a time that defines for him/her Mom or Dad's authority. Some kids push and push, looking for just such an event that tells them they can go this far but no further. The limits at home were already well defined. But public behavior, well there might just be some wiggle room in that event.

These instances proved decisively for mine that Mom was in control in public as well as at home.
If the child feels shamed in public, that can undo all of the training and nurturing up to that point.
Hmmm, sorry, I disagree with this on it's face. Shaming a child for disobedience isn't likely to anything to a child training or nurturing. Likely, he already has an idea what he is doing is wrong, but he's waiting for the parent to set the limit.
Shaming(public or private) a child for accidents, ignorance or events outside the child's control may have the effect you say. A good parent wouldn't be spanking for these at the start with.