menageriekeeper said:
A little lesson in civil disobedience, huh
Um, no....did you read what I wrote? huh
Could be difficult for us discuss this because we would need to do SO much typing to understand one another. Your school district is clearly more conservative than ours. You have a dress code? Our teachers & students often dress inappropriately, and show inappropriate movies., So I HAVE to pay attention. My wife is more on this type of stuff than I am. It's best to help the Teachers out, they have a difficult job. Some are wonderful, I admire them.
Yet even the Teachers who are nuts deserve respect. Just because a Teacher is out of line with a student d
oesn't mean the child can take liberties to make the situation worse. School prepares kids for life, we all have to deal with difficult people. Kids need to learn to deal with difficult people, including Teachers.
Here's a really stupid, kinda funny one that gets so many of the teenagers going. Too many kids are suspended due to this one Spanish Teacher antagonizing the kids. He obviously hates children. He wears a dead animal on his shoulder at all times. It's a beaver or something, maybe stuffed. Some kids are vegetarians, the others are likely just tired of looking at it. This Teacher called our home once, going off like a banchy in the message he left. So there was no doubt in hearing it that discussing this problem between with him and our son would be impossible. (The jerk later gave him a B when he deserved an A) Anyway, our Son started "messing" with him to get him back. Kept sitting in his chair (he teachers chair) and wouldn't get up. I didn't have much patience with our son, it's childish and unnecessary.
This teacher has tenure, so we're stuck. He's know as a nut. You can't even personally threaten him, nor would you want to, he's just a mental case. We have a schizophrenic family member so I don't see the need to get upset at mentally ill people. Our son knows he shouldn't tease mentally ill people.
Our schools have no dress code, this is often reflected in the way the Teachers dress. Talk about brazen women! And the single moms who help out aren't always better in appearance.
Oh, and our middle school teacher has, or maybe still has, bright purple hair. Add that to her nose rings, and she looks ridiculous.
About the's instigating violence (fighting) between kids. This should be optional, at least. We try to teach non violence, though it's me who has a harder time with this concept. . There are openly gay kids, so rolling around on a floor with a few of them can be pretty embarrassing, especially for boys.
It sounds like your schools are much better. So imo, that has to play into how you handle situations.
Kids just can't go along with all of the sickness forced in schools and violate every rule the Lord has in place for their well- being.
There are some WONDERFUL teachers but it doesn't null the fact that kids need to learn to stand firm for the Lord in their values at an early age. We do not watch R rated movies with nudity in our home but our school shows these films. So yes, if my son doesn't walk right out of class while a film like this is being shown, I WILL PUNISH him bigtime. I don't look at the stuff, neither should he. The Teacher will regret it too...
Ever seen "One flew over the Coo Coos nest w/Jack Nicholson?" I saw it when I was a teenager and can STILL recall one morbid description to female's genitalia in the movie made by Jack Nicholson, even after all of these years. I pass on watching ANY movie with him in it. Yet my son watched this movie in a class just last month. I have heard of worse movies being shown in school-
Multiple suspensions mean nothing in our school in and of themselves. Any kid not experiencing them is being indoctrinated by Satan. I pray for them to become stronger to take a stand.
In our state, there are designated funds to push the gay agenda onto the children, and they get extremely graphic. A visual orge experienced by kids and teachers alike. The kids must stand against this with their words, or just walk out immediately. Say nothing, no explanation needed.
I have to agree. And I'll go a step further. Any parent who says such a thing is blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. Every child will lie to their parents if they think it will benefit them.
If this is in reference to what I said (not by you, by sag) then my words are clearly being twisted. I didn't state my son would NEVER lie to me. I said he doesn't lie to me, so of course, I believe him. Why not? How sad that other parents must question their kids like that. But mine is older, so age plays into it.
Suspect them as liars, misbelieve them, and they have no incentive to do right by telling the truth.
I was asked if parents gave signed permission for the school to use corporal punishment. I said no, but upon further reflection, I think I was wrong in stating that. At the beginning of each year every parent is given a packet of information.
Go now, be a good Mamma and sign it to protect your children from ultimate humiliation, don't risk a stranger with wandering hands or someone getting their jollies off of your small child. If they look at them seductively (erotically), that could be enough to scar them.
A spanking by a stranger, an ungodly person, will only hurt. If they are acting up in school, imo, Your husband (with you, or you) need to take control of YOUR kids.Teachers have the right to do their jobs without disruptive, unruly students.
LOL, my youngest's teacher this year got the bright idea to put out a similar behavior note, regarding homework. The note basically said that "the parent understands that by signing this note that they and their child may be required to attend morning or afternoon detention should your child not complete homework assignments on time." I didn't sign it.
I would have no problem signing that form. Book em! Just kidding
Eventually the teacher got around to telling me she needed that one signed as well. I said no.
"Well why not????!!"
Because you have the authority, given to you by me, to punish my child for not doing her work, but you will not tell me how to handle things in my own home, nor will you tell me what to do with my time. Homework is the responsibility of my child. If there is a problem, I'll deal with it. But I will not spend time sitting in your classroom as a solution and you have no authority to force me to do so."
That's funny :smilewinkgrin:
I had one surprised teacher and she learned that day not to ask me a question in public if she didn't want the public to hear the answer."Oh, well we just won't worry about that then" was her reply. Other parents in the room had merely signed the thing without ever really reading it and were surprised at what the note actually said.
You're keeping them on their toes
If my child did have to stay after school (or come in early), because they disobeyed the teacher, there would be additional punishment at home. Why? Because in disobeying the teacher they have also disobeyed me. So they deal with the teacher first and then they deal with me. I gaurentee dealing with me is worse, because I intend to deal with my child in such as way that the teacher will not have a problem in the future.
I think your kids are younger than mine? Might be a good idea. I can't remember what it is like to have younger kids.Pre- alzeheimers?
I will tell you now, if your child gets the idea that you believe the it's the teacher/schools job to deal with them while they are at school and you don't back up that teacher your child will cause a great deal more trouble. This is part of the problem in today's schools. Parents say: "He's your problem when he's at school" then turn right around when the kid gets in trouble and say "How dare you punish my innocent child?" I am not going to be that parent. The schools have enough of those, I see them every day I walk into one of my kids schools.
Agreed 100%
The teacher gets the benefit of the doubt first. They are the adult and the authority. Does that mean you don't pay attention to your child's protests of innocence? Of course not. If a parent is involved, makes a showing at the school, gets to know the kids and teachers, that parent will get a good idea of what is going on in the school and therefore be in a much better position to make a wise decision. But doing that requires more time and effort than merely dropping Jonny at the door.
Our son gets the benefit of the doubt first, he is honorable and has done nothing to make us unbelieve him.. But that's here nor there because I am sure we can agree, we must look into the situation. Generally, whatever answering machine "message" a teacher leaves is generally untrue, and you have to talk patiently, ask questions gently to get them to tell you the whole story. They want to leave you with only "what your child did to them". I don't buy that out of the blue "my son did this or that" to them.
When you get them calm, they have always told me the whole story.