Here is my post again- Read it closely
"I can almost guarantee you all will NEVER allow your school system to spank your child after clicking this Christian website link
Scroll to the bottom for all of the news reports & expert quotes
UNBELIEVABLE If you ever read anything, READ THIS
For those who took liberties to do other than scroll down to the expert quotes and news stories that's fine. I referred you all
to expert quotes and NEWS Stories only
Sadly, we all know as parents we are placing our kids in possible danger by creating a scinereo where they could be sexually exploited through violence when we allow strangers in a school system this power.
Some people must have some misbehaving kids they just can't control. Sad to hear this.
You may want to disable your internet filter and google spanking or paddling. My friend did it for me, he is always willing....

pages and pages of porn websites regarding BDSM and spanking comes up. He said paddling is the #1 method so I suggest you all use a switch (rod?) from a tree in spankings. They would sell those if they were desirable.
These are paid porn websites. If people aren't into this stuff, paying good money, then it wouldn't be there. I doubt an adult just woke up one day with this obsession. They were conditioned for years as kids into this perversion of being spanked, or it could have been one event.
There is no denying this is a huge problem caused by parents.
I am not against spanking, did it a few times when my son was a toddler, he doesn't remember it. I am not against violence either. But y
ou can't find a bible verse which backs up ungodly strangers spanking your kids while you aren't present. So don't call this sickness Biblical.
Clearly, spanking doesn't belong in school. If your child is so unruly he can't be decent in school, you have much to look into. There is PLENTY as a parent you can do, and should do, before resorting to violence upon their bodies inflicted by strangers who may get off on it.
Eat healthy, exercise, eat organic, consume no drugs (limit meat with drugs-hormones/antbitics) then kids are less hyperactive. Get to the root of the problem.
Be an example. Exercise and teach your child to do the same.
Our son is very into health and runs three days a week. Works out with weights. I don't worry about drugs or alcohol, he doesn't want any thing to do with it. Grades are all A's and one B last time. His friends are good kids. And he can't recall being spanked.
Go figure...
BE WHOLESOME. Teach wholesome values.
Sorry but even as Foster Parents, we always got a grasp upon our kids behavior. By law, we can't spank them. Once our foster child was kicked out of school and we homeschooled him, (no choice) but 3 months later, he returned to school with great behavior ever since (he went back to mom, that helped ALOT) We still see them. He was allergic to some foods, causing hyperactivity.
Imo, he would have freaked if we allowed a stranger to touch him in that manner (he was molested) He was a very modest kid, as all kids should be, breaking down that sense of modestly would have been inexcusable. Breaking down any child's sense of modesty has consequences. I hope you all don't spank your kids then complain too much when you see a female dressed skantly, as Daddy probably played a major part in taking away her innocence (sense of modesty)