Ed Edwards
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// No one on this Forum has indicated that a belief in a 24 hour day in Genesis 1 is required for salvation. //
Nor did I claim that for anybody on this Forum.
Your problem may be thinking I have a bad motive?
I have shown my motive over and over (remember, this is part 3 of the topic). I'd like some responsibility of others who are ruining my witness to science minded folks. Unfortunately most science minded folks didn't study the history of science. They are not taught the Logical Basis of Science
BTW, OldRegular, I use my handiest Bible which is an electronic copy from e-sword.com Parallel:
Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition (some say 1587 Edition)
KJV1611 Edition (actually a KJV1613, but close)
KJV1769-ish type Edition with Strong's Numbers.
Would you mind going to the Version/Translation Forum and start a topic complaining about my choise of versions?
seriously, I need some good press.
Nor did I claim that for anybody on this Forum.
Your problem may be thinking I have a bad motive?
I have shown my motive over and over (remember, this is part 3 of the topic). I'd like some responsibility of others who are ruining my witness to science minded folks. Unfortunately most science minded folks didn't study the history of science. They are not taught the Logical Basis of Science
BTW, OldRegular, I use my handiest Bible which is an electronic copy from e-sword.com Parallel:
Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition (some say 1587 Edition)
KJV1611 Edition (actually a KJV1613, but close)
KJV1769-ish type Edition with Strong's Numbers.
Would you mind going to the Version/Translation Forum and start a topic complaining about my choise of versions?