Did God condemn all under sin in Adam?
Smokescreed #9 Yet another change the subject effort away from the biblical doctrine of election (corporate before creation and individual during our lifetime based on God crediting our faith as righteousness.)
The five points of Biblical Election
Elections - God chose His Redeemer individually (Christ) and all those Christ would redeem
corporately before the foundation of the world, the elections before time; and then subsequently chooses believers
individually during their lifetime based on crediting their wholehearted faith in Christ, the second election.
Love overcomes depravity - Mankind is depraved from conception, separated from God by being in a state of sin with a corrupt flesh and a corrupt human spirit. But God, who understands the heart, accepts the faith, as depraved as it may be, of those who love and trust in His Son.
Effective reconciliation - Christ’s propitiation is sufficient to save all men, but the available reconciliation is only received, when God credits our faith as righteousness and spiritually baptizes us into Christ, making us spiritually alive together with Christ.
Cultivated call - Turning to God and trusting in Christ occur when receptive people hear the gospel and believe. Thus faith in Christ is spread by an external call to those who receive the gospel wholeheartedly.
Trust in Faith - Only by persevering in faith can a believer be sure of salvation, because God protects the faith of His chosen ones.