NOT ONE Preterist has ever been able to make sense of all the signs Jesus mentioned in Chapter 24. The signs that he said the generation that sees them PASS, would NOT pass, until ALL of them be fulfilled. Mathew 24 is more about THE SIGNS THAT PRECEED JESUS' RETURN AND THE CONSUMMATION OF THE AGE! How could all of the things mentioned in the chapter have occurred within a span of just a few years with no record of any of it happening. What DIDN"T happen in 70 AD debunks Preterism! The gospel is still being preached, the times of the gentiles is NOT over, which means we are still in the age of grace which has yet to be consummated.
After Jesus DEPARTED from the temple he said, "
See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you,
There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." He did NOT specifically prophesy the Temples destruction,
he SPECIFICALLY prophesied that THERE WOULD NOT BE one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
"See ye not all these things" included all the buildings and structures on the Temple grounds. And maybe the Western Wall!
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After the Temples destruction, stones did stand 'one upon another' for over 400 years afterwards!
From ancient records we can glean some information about visible remains of the Temple after its destruction. Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea (A.D. 260-340) testified that he could still see the remains of the sanctuary. He said that the large stone blocks were hauled away to build sanctuaries and theaters.
There are two parts to the current wall. Going from bottom to top, there are the large blocks that make up the lower section of this wall, which is the retaining wall dating to the Second Temple Period. Some people say this was NOT part of the prophecy, and not destroyed. I say it is part of the prophecy! The smaller stones on the top were rebuilt in the years after the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem.
Muslims deny there's a Jewish connection to the Wailing Wall and want to deny Jews access to it. Many Islamic clerics teach that Jews should be prohibited to pray at the wall. I've read that the director of the Al-Aqsa Mosque once said, "This is a place for Muslims, only Muslims. There is no temple here, only Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock."
We also know that Muslim's want complete control of Jerusalem, especially the Old City. And we know the Palestinian's want it too. They want Jewish control removed to the point of even allowing Jews access to the Old City.
Not one word in Mt. 24 suggest that Christ re-returned, or that "the consummation of the age," or end of the world, happened in and ended in 70 AD.
...and WHAT shall be the sign of thy COMING,
(parousia, the future visible return from heaven of Jesus, to raise the dead, hold the last judgment, and set up formally and gloriously the kingdom of God)
..and of the END of the WORLD?
The completion of the age where there are no more stones to fall, and where ALL the events of Mathew 24 and of that era pass.