How does your church decide the standards for setting the Pastors compensation? And if you feel it should be done different then please state that also.
Our church set the standard according to what they felt they could afford to pay based on church membership and tithes and offerings. They count our living in the parsonage and it's utilities as part of his "income" as well. My dh works a full-time job in addition to pastoring so that we can have insurance and enough to pay medical bills, gasoline, transportation, etc.
I believe a church should pay based on what they can afford, the current standard of living, job experience, and expectations placed on the pastor. I have seen application forms that asked if the wife worked outside the home so the church could pay the preacher less. I've heard people complain that the pastor "already had a job" so they shouldn't have to pay him as well. I've even been told on occasion that the pastor is working "for the Lord" and should "rely on the Lord" for his daily needs. I guess these folks didn't realize the Lord uses PEOPLE to help provide those needs.
This is just flat WRONG. Yes, there are crooks who take advantage of God's people, but I think the vast majority of pastors are dreadfully underpaid compared to their counterparts in secular jobs and they are more hesitant to ask for a raise because they will be viewed as greedy, un-thankful, or worse--unbelieving that "God" will supply their needs.