How would you take into account that the church may be the hard workers and not the pastor?If a man works twenty hours a week and doubles the church attendance and the people are growing spiritually and the offerings are through the roof and missions giving is doubled- pay the man what he is worth.
A bad pastor is worth a negative amount. He does much more damage than good.If he works 80 hours a week and the church is drying up and dying on the vine- pay the man what he is actually worth to the ministry there- not based on how many hours he works or how much sweat he devotes.
Not those I know. If you see that then get an effective one who will work hard too.Computer programmers often work very few hours a week and they do not invest very much physical energy yet they are paid very well because of their great value.
If he is lazy, he is worthless.Pay the pastor based on his value as well- not his sweat, not his hours- but his value..
How do you measure the worth of a pastor who followed a pastor that may have labored hard and he did not see much until the pastor who followed the hard working pastor?
From what you have wrote indicates that church planters should be paid the most. Church plants grow a far greater percentage than megachurches and it is hard work.