After reading a couple current threads, it's glaringly obvious that many church members have misguided expectations of pastors. From what I gather, pastors should somehow preach, teach, mow the grass, visit the sick, evangelize the lost, coddle the members, repair the church building, immediately call any member who misses a service, AND do so without a salary because after all, he should have a "real" job. He is to work 40-plus hours a week for the church and another 40 at his "real" job, while neglecting his wife and kids. If they grow up to abandon the faith, why, that's no concern of the church. Oh no, the pastor's primary goal in life is to meet all the demands of the body.
The deacon's job is to SUPERVISE the pastor and make sure he EARNS any pittance paid him. Above all, the pastor should be humble and poor.
Folks, it's time we take a sincere, realistic look at what we expect of our pastors and then apply those expectations to OURSELVES and our own families. Before we complain about our shepherds, we need to take a good look at our own behavior and see how WE can better support our churches and how WE can encourage and uplift our pastors instead of complaining, condemning, and tearing down.
The deacon's job is to SUPERVISE the pastor and make sure he EARNS any pittance paid him. Above all, the pastor should be humble and poor.
Folks, it's time we take a sincere, realistic look at what we expect of our pastors and then apply those expectations to OURSELVES and our own families. Before we complain about our shepherds, we need to take a good look at our own behavior and see how WE can better support our churches and how WE can encourage and uplift our pastors instead of complaining, condemning, and tearing down.