Met with a pastor yesterday after service and he gave me some advice. First the church's position on the issue (which I already knew) and second although they do not attack Calvinists and accepted me as a member I should not mention it in conversation, or SS open discussion (as SS in our church is discussion based and not lecture oriented). Perhaps some have left the church because of me (he did not say) but I have noticed our SS class is not as big as before for whatever reason. He just gave me advice and I have a better idea.
I won't mention Calvinism or Reformed theology by name, I will just discuss its doctrines when appropriate and the various scriptures in its defense. In reality I am not preaching Calvinism I am preaching the Bible and if people reject it they reject the Bible. However as Mitchell said once if thats all I talk about I am a "Cage-Calvinist" which is a label to avoid. A model example would be WOTM. If WOTM holds to Calvinist theology (not sure) Comfort does a great job of not using it to cause division. While I admire brother Paul Washer (do not agree with everything he says) perhaps he may be causing division in the church because of his strong Calvinist views when division is not glorifying Christ. I don't know.
Looking for ideas as maybe 1/100 persons in this church or any Arminian church will actually take the time to read a book or hear a podcast and look up the many verses in defense of Reformed theology as most will reject it without question. I do not treat Arminian theology this way and personally read and own Chosen But Free. I can't be something I am not and I must stand for the truth in gentleness and respect. At the moment I am locked at the church and was forced into attending there or else I would be at a Calvinist church. So I need to make the best of where I am at.
I won't mention Calvinism or Reformed theology by name, I will just discuss its doctrines when appropriate and the various scriptures in its defense. In reality I am not preaching Calvinism I am preaching the Bible and if people reject it they reject the Bible. However as Mitchell said once if thats all I talk about I am a "Cage-Calvinist" which is a label to avoid. A model example would be WOTM. If WOTM holds to Calvinist theology (not sure) Comfort does a great job of not using it to cause division. While I admire brother Paul Washer (do not agree with everything he says) perhaps he may be causing division in the church because of his strong Calvinist views when division is not glorifying Christ. I don't know.
Looking for ideas as maybe 1/100 persons in this church or any Arminian church will actually take the time to read a book or hear a podcast and look up the many verses in defense of Reformed theology as most will reject it without question. I do not treat Arminian theology this way and personally read and own Chosen But Free. I can't be something I am not and I must stand for the truth in gentleness and respect. At the moment I am locked at the church and was forced into attending there or else I would be at a Calvinist church. So I need to make the best of where I am at.
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