I just find it somewhat contradictory for those who say they are Christian and trust God in all things to then be so fearful and un-trusting that they feel they have to carry weapons. Let's be honest, if you feel you have to have a weapon with you at all times, even when preaching you are letting fear rule your life.
So are police officers afraid because they carry weapons? What about security officers?
Being perfectly honest, I carry a pistol because:
(1) If something bad happens, It is my nature to protect others and I'm going to be involved whether or not I am armed... But I would like to be prepared and have some options.
(2) I'm built like a linebacker, so if something bad happens, the bad guys are probably going to involve me since I will likely be perceived as the biggest physical threat. Having been the latest person among my peers al my life, this has been demonstrated over and over. When I worked in retail and we took shoplifters into custody (I was always unarmed in those days, although a surprising number of shoplifters were illegally carrying weapons), I was the one they usually tried to assault if they resisted.
(3) September 15, 1999, a gunman entered Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth and murdered seven people and severely injured seven more, most of the victims were teenagers. He had several minutes to do his evil work before an off duty police officer from across the street entered the building with his service pistol. The gunman committed suicide moments later. I know the church well (nearly joined on two occasions), knew/know the pastor, and know a surprising number of people who were pinned down by the gunman in the room. I also interviewed the families of those murdered and went to some of the funerals as part of the local media. One responsible person with a pistol could have ended that horrible event reducing the number of victims by at least half, if not more. That's when I started thinking about purchasing a pistol to carry and applying for a permit.
(4) A few years ago, a disturbed teenager started threatening members of our youth group and insinuating that he was going to bring a gun and shoot everyone. We contacted the police and he faced some consequences for making a terrorist threat. However, if he decides to follow through on that threat, I, as a youth leader, would like to be able to defend the lives of the students entrusted to me. That's not fear, that's being responsible.
(5) I have a near relative who has a number of psychological and drug addiction issues and has been in trouble with the law a number of times, including prison time. He also has a history of assaulting others with weapons, including police officers. I don't have a choice as to whether or not he is going to be in my proximity or in the proximity of my wife. Therefore I am prepared to defend my wife and my wife carries a stun gun because she doesn't feel comfortable carrying a firearm.
(6) I worked as a bodyguard for the children of a prominent wealthy family for nearly seven years and have had training and experience in protective tactics. On two occasions I had to draw a weapon (specifically, an ASP tactical baton) but i did not have to use it. Simply drawing the weapon shut down the aggression immediately since they realized they might ultimately win the fight against me, but they were going to get severely injured in the process. That saved both the aggressors and me from getting hurt and I could discharge my duties without further incident. Even though I am certified in the use of the ASP, I am not legal to carry it at this time because it is considered a deadly force weapon. However it is legal for me to carry a pistol, so I do.
I could go on, but clearly you don't have the right to sit on your moral/spiritual highhorse and make the blanket assertion that those who carry weapons are simply fearful people. Many, if not most of us who do it carry for perfectly sane, prudent, logical reasons that are not motivated by fear.
I am simply trying to point out that many people's real faith is in their weapon and they do let fear rule their lives. As I said, I will not let fear rule my life!
I have no illusions about my pistol. I would be a fool to have faith in it to protect me just because I am carrying it. It doesn't make be bullet-proof. In fact, if I draw it when someone is shooting, I become a prime target of the aggressive gunman, but that's okay. At least a child, teenager, woman or man is not a target for those moments. Furthermoe, it is not magic and it probably won't prevent someone who is suicidally planning to kill others from following through with their plan -- although I may be able to end their rampage very quickly and save lives/injury. Using a firearm, even is those situations, is full of risk and much harder to do effectively than many people imagine. So I analyze every room I enter to develop a quick strategic plan regarding how I would handle a threat. In some places, like my ome, the church sanctuary or the youth facilities, the plan is very highly refined and I know the key locations to position myself for cover and the places where a gunman would be vulnerable to someone approaching them quickly in order to end their aggression while they entering and exiting rooms/areas.