What follows is addressed in general not specifically to you, Oldtimer.
Good, cause I am going to answer it.
The argument that you want to "be prepared" or that you're carrying a tool, or the comparison to life boats and the other metaphors that run abundant in the preceding posts;
- Do you carry first aid kits on your person?
I do, though the amount of medical supplies one can carry on your person is limited. I do have a large first aid kit in my car.
HOWEVER: the likelihood of such things actually saving someone's life with things like band-aids, is remote. Saving someone's life with a gun, whether from a person or animal, is virtually certain (if you come upon such a situation).
Apples and oranges.
- Do you carry AED units on your person?
This is just dumb. A person can hardly walk around carrying even a SMALL defibrillator. Besides the fact that they are bulky, they are fairly fragile.
Again, this hardly compares.
- What about common rescue medications?
Not on my person, though we do have some in the car. Again, carrying around such things on your PERSON is ridiculous, and hardly able to be compared.
- Do you carry an ample supply of water, food, clothing, shelter?
In my car? Yes.
- Do you carry extra Bibles on your person to hand out when needed/required?
Yes, in my car. And Gospel tracts in my wallet.
- Do you stop every time you see someone that needs aid?
I don't always stop just because the person is pulled over. But if they are in obvious need (an elderly lady trying to change a tire), I do.
- Do you feed the homeless and hungry when they ask?
- What do you carry with you to minister to widows and orphans?
Depends. My bible, always. Also if I know of a need, I try to fill it.
- What do the sparrows worry about? The lilies?
Sparrows were not given commands by God. We were. We are commanded to protect our children, to be prepared, to protect those weaker than ourselves, etc., etc. In fact, the scriptures say that a person who does not care for his family (including protection) is worse than a tax-collector.
So tell me, have you done as scripture commands? Have you sold your purse, to buy a weapon? Or do you, because of a coward's heart, hide behind scripture which has been ripped out of context, to promote laziness and pacifism?
Be prepared right? Have what you need at hand right? Don't get caught out without that all important "whatever" right? Or is it only a gun that satisfies the be prepared requirements.
Be reasonably prepared. I can easily carry a gun on me. So it would be stupid, lazy, and cowardly not to.
This time, unlike my list of questions in the alcohol thread, I'm attempting to be more than a little rhetorical. But still and all, we love our right to bear arms, it makes us feel powerful, in control and able. I own guns, I just never felt the need to carry them around and I'd be happy to compare living situations to anyone. I ran my own business for two decades, carried loads of cash, moved through some of the worst areas Baltimore had to offer and still, never needed a gun.
Why do you judge your brother? I cannot speak for anyone else, but the only "feeling" I get from having my gun on me, is the uncomfortable pinch of the strap around my ankle. I would much rather leave it at home; but such pacifistic shirking of one's duty to an individual's family and others, is for cowards.
I'm not condemning anyone's choice but I always find interesting what others set as high priorities.
I am condemning yours. You should have a gun on you.
It's a fascinating discussion. And to be clear, if you ("you" meaning bad guys, most Baptites are welcome) illegally entered my home and threatened my wife, my hound dogs or maybe even me, I'd paint the walls with yer innards :thumbsup:
Whats fascinating is the hypocrisy. :tonofbricks: