I think you're missing something in all of this discussion, Jon, and please keep in mind that I'm not echoing the others who are making replies to you...
I am addressing you apart from their comments.
Christians live
by faith, not by science.
Vaccines are not our Saviour, God is.
Good evening to you, sir.
Thank you for not echoing a particular camp.
Yes, Christians live by faith. Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated make choices knowing God is in control of their lives.
At the same time Christians also suffer the consequences of bad choices they make.
With my example I do not mean
@Reformed1689 would kill his wife by not being vaccinated. I mean should that happen he would know there was something he could have fint that might have prevented her death. It is possible this could happen to me. But I would know I did all I could to keep her safe.
One of my wife's friends was unvaccinated. She had covid, mild symptoms, and spread it to her unvaccinated husband who died of covid. They were young and thought they were not at risk. Perhaps the vaccine would not have made a difference. But she wrestles with the knowledge that there was also a chance it could have.
But we, as Christians, do live by faith. That is why we can make decisions without fear. I praise God for giving us doctors and scientists - for providing us vaccines and medicines through them.
We also have to keep in mind there is a difference between having faith in God and tempting God. Sometimes people just want to do what they want to do and they use "live by faith" as a justification.