Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid
This guy gets it. He ticks off every box.
Here is a portion for those who don’t like links:
If you get Covid
and beat it since the point of entry is your respiratory mucosa
you have strong and broad resistance focused there. That's sterilizing in
more than 9 out of 10 persons and far more-durable than jab-based immunity as well. That is what the data tells us.
It is
wildly superior to a non-sterilizing vaccine because you are not only very unlikely to get the virus again
you are also nearly-certain to be unable to infect anyone else if you do. This
and only this is what cuts off mutational pressure.
It's too late now; we're stuck with the stupid, particularly all the screaming harpies who went out and got jabbed
despite being at very low risk of serious outcomes themselves, turning themselves into
literal gain-of-function labs for the virus. If you took the jab, in short,
unless you were at very high risk and thus it was justified on a personal mitigation basis you are,
in fact, part of the body of individuals that are placing evolutionary pressure on the virus to evolve
and ultimately evade the protection and screw not just others but you as well.
Those who are claiming "
well, I got jabbed, I got infected, but it would have been much worse if I didn't get jabbed" are the worst of the psychotics. First,
the majority of Covid-19 infections are asymptomatic according to the CDC itself. Indeed they claim
at least six people get infected for each
detected infection. You may well have moved yourself from "I sneezed" to "I got pretty da**** sick"
by taking the shot. You don't know. But worse is that
by taking the jab and then getting infected anyway you have now not just become a
potential mutational factory
you are one of the people causing what will ultimately become viral escape and the screwing of yourself and othersbecause by
definition if you got sick after vaccination the virus got into your system, it has now proved whatever occurred in you evaded the protection you had
and then was emitted back out where others can catch it from you after that evasion took place.
You were either the mutational factory or an intermediate host that screws the next person you share the love with!
Not only did your protection against
fail but, much worse, it's possible that said screwing will be
enhanced by whatever residual antibody titer you may have since binding antibodies, if present (and which you
intentionally put into your system) will still be present. Even more-seriously you put the spike protein and thus the antibody response not in your nose and throat
but in your blood vessels and other organs where they can cause the
exact disease progression that occurs when Covid-19 kills people. If you get a "break though" infection I hope you have your
d-Dimer levels immediately checked because if not
you may be a walking heart attack or stroke somewhere in the not-so-distant future with no other warning as a direct result of intentionally loading your body full of "protection"
in the wrong place.