I'm not sure how this fits in, but I think it does. In 2001 I was diagnosed as having Parkinson's disease. I had probably had it for maybe three years before the official diagnoses was made. I was44 years young. PD does not show up in any blood test. MRIs and x-rays don't show it. I was poked, stuck, interviewed, shocked, told to do this and that with my arms, fingers, eyes. "Walk down this hall from here to there, turn around and come back."
I was eventually sent to a doctor who had founded the 'Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Clinic' at Ohio State University. She had me move, walk, tap, stomp, and a few other things. After about 20 minutes of this she told my wife and I that I had PD. I made a feeble attempt at talking her out of it. I could tell she knew what I was doing. She stopped me, looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Mr. Collins, There is no doubt in my mind that you have PD. Fast forward to the summer of 2009. After taking certain medications for PD 8 years
The side effects of a couple of them caused me to experience a break from reality. I experienced a very strong psychotic break from reality. All five of my senses were involved. This made all of my experiences very real to me. I was convinced there were people (wasn't sure they weren't aliens) were out to terrorize me, frame me for crimes that would send me to prison, make me harm and even kill my wife and our dog, and eventually kidnap, torture and kill me. I "saw" a man painting a nearby house wave at me right before him "phased out, and then back in." He then proceeded up his ladder to continue painting. While standing at a certain place in our apartment I "heard" a click in one ear as a voice said "I've got a clear shot. I can take him out with one shot to the back of his head." I dropped both arms to my hips and said, "Please do it!" I was tired of being in a state of constant terror. After admitting myself to the hospital and speaking with several doctors practicing various specialties it was decided that I needed some of my medications changed, replaced, and stopped. A little over two days later I went home. It took a few weeks, but I began being able to thing logically again. The hallucinations stopped. The paranoia stopped. Soon I was back to normal. Make of it what you will, but my PD and its treatment were and are physical. The adjustment in my meds to treat my psychosis is physical. My PD and the treatment all have to do with chemicals, neurotransmitters, and hormones being out of whack. The psychotic break was a mental break (a temporary mental illness) with roots in an organic, physical illness. Not sin. Not the devious work of an evil psychiatric, medical pharmaceutical system. Not the devil or demons. I offer this to anyone that it may help. Fred’s will always abound. (Until Jesus physically returns. But His Love, Grace, and Mercy will always be with us.