Active Member
1. You don't know what I believe. That is apparent.
2. You slandered me, saying I believe what I don't believe.
3. I do believe in sola fide.
4. LS advocates present "another" gospel, which Gal.1:8 calls accursed.
They have denied the very basics of the simple gospel as presented in 1Cor.15:1-4. I think you would even agree to that. Can you stick to the gospel as presented by Paul in 1Cor.15:1-4 and be saved? or is more required? Please explain.
First off, no one has slandered you, including me. Drop your sword, no need to fall on it.
No more is required than the Gospel itself.
Those that have truly been born again show evidence thereof. That's the Word of God. Note how in the epistles Paul speaks of the changed lives of those to whom he preached.