No amount of evidence can convince those who do not believe. The proof is that every passage in the bible dealing with salvation calls Jesus Lord.
Why do you post things that are not true. Have you researched this out? I can prove you wrong very easily. You know not where of you speak.
Are you sure about that?There is no passage that says we are to receive Him as savior.
No, it adds to the gospel making salvation a works-based salvation.Lordship salvation simply accepts what the bible says.
Why do you rant against easy believism. I don't know of anyone here who believes it. Or is your false accusation that everyone who believes differently than you believes in easy believism. That is despicable.Easy believism does not.
What that means to me, apparently does not mean the same to you. Demonstrate your belief. Sell all that you have; give it to the poor, and go and follow Jesus. If you don't, you are a hypocrite and don't believe in what you call LS.Unless a person receives Jesus as Lord they remain lost.
If you are truly a disciple you will sell all that you have, give to the poor and follow Christ. Have you done that yet? When is it going to happen?Everyone who is saved ois a disciple, but not all disciples are saved.
Is there anyone here that you can point to that hasn't done that?That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, (not Savior) and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.