That's one of the things I keep stressing to parents. If the Body of Christ is going to turn its back on the unsaved fields in the school systems, then we again, need to pray for the Rapture and God to get us out of the way if we're not going to do what He left us here to do.
If we take the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit out of the public schools, you'll see a mini-version of what you see happening in society.
Parents just have to remain vigilant and involved.
What's happening in the public schools now is the same thing that is happening in society.
Children are not prepared for the evil that is in public school at their young and impressionable ages.
5 days a week of humanist brainwashing and apostate people teaching your children is not really reversed by one day a week at church.
The Bible teaches that a companion of fools shall be destroyed, also a verse in proverbs says to turn your ear away from hearing the instruction that causes you to err. Sending children to public school to hear lies like evolution and other garbage seems to conflict with that verse.
Public school will not teach your kids to live for God. absolutely no way, and if people turn out for God it's in spite of public school education.
the absence of mentioning Jesus Christ in public school is teaching people that they can live apart from God. The philosophy of public schools is in essence anti-God.
Really tired of hearing this garbage about how we need our kids to be there so they can be a light. Nonsense, that's like saying you have to be part of the Catholic Church to reach Catholics. We don't need our kids to be indoctrinated with false beliefs for them to be light and a testimony to others. Take your kids out into the world to knock doors and talk to people about Jesus, or take your kids with you to hand out tracts.
I am not advocating that we retreat and hide from the world in a little bubble, but I also am not advocating allowing lost men to educate and train our impressionable children, that's foolish.