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The very nature of Preterism means that history and Scripture support this view. This is not about a worldwide event, but was localized to Jerusalem and the surrounding area. Nero didn't simply kill those he didn't like. Domitian may have exiled people to nearby islands, but that doesn't mean that Nero didn't also send people into exile. I did know that Patmos wasn't a desert island, but I'm glad you brought that up for the sake of other readers.First, do you know the history of the city of Rome & the Roman empire? It existed long before Julius Caesar came along, having kings & Caesars long before Julius. Next, the Rev was given during the latter years of DOMITIAN'S reign, not Nero's. Nero simply killed those he didn't like, while Domitian exiled many to various nearby islands such as Patmos. (Patmos is not a "desert island". While ancients had to "hardscrabble" to survive there, but they managed.)
The long history of Rome has no bearing on this issue. BTW, Julius was the first Caesar. This is about the specific history of the Jewish Wars from AD 66-70. There is plenty of strong evidence that John wrote Revelation during Nero's reign, where the evidence for the later date writing is very weak.
The "666 thing" was a very big deal. Otherwise, John wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. The history of the events described in Revelation fit the Jewish Wars perfectly. Don't you find it more than coincidence that the Jewish Wars lasted 42 months? While you could associate 666 with other guys throughout history (e.g. Mussolini, Hitler, even Reagan), this specifically pointed to Nero. On the one hand, you say that many Roman names added up to 666, but then you say that it didn't take much wisdom to use "the right system of geometrics" to get 666 to make it point to Nero. Your statements contradict each other. Anyway, John didn't say it took a lot of wisdom. He said "This calls for wisdom." Big difference.The 666 thing is no big deal. Many Roman names added up to 666, by various systems of geometrics. And, as Nero's name was well-known, it didn't take much wisdom to use the right system of geometrics to get 666 outta his name.
The mark of the beast was during Nero's reign. However, it wasn't a physical mark like a tattoo. The Beast from the earth was Apostate Israel. The "great tribulation" was the Jewish War. I believe the events from Rev 20:7 onward, including the two beasts being cast into the Lake of Fire, are future events.And there were many prophesied events that did NOT occur during Nero's reign, such as the mark of the beast, the beast from the earth, the great trib, the two beasts being cast alive into the LOF.
The Beast was in power when Jesus "came" in judgment in AD 70, but this is not the same as the 2nd Advent. To reiterate what I said earlier, the Beast of the Sea was Rome, and the Beast of the Earth was Apostate Israel. Since you haven't disproven anything I've said, you can't make the claim that the Partial Preterist case has ever lost - except to your own satisfaction.REMEMBER, THE BEAST WILL BE IN POWER WHEN JESUS RETURNS! As Jesus hasn't returned, something with which you agree, the beasts haven't yet come, either!
Your case still loses!
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