Originally Posted by Baptist4life View Post
My wife's entire family, brothers, sisters, parents, aunts, uncles, etc. are DEVOUT RC's. There is an aunt who is a nun, and an uncle who is a priest. I've talked to each and every one of them at length. They are VERY NICE people, all of them. I would say NONE of them are saved. Why? Because I've talked to them about what it is they believe. Nothing Scriptural at all. Everyone of them, priest and nun included, cannot tell you if they are going to Heaven or not. It all depends on their "state of grace" at the moment of death, how long in Purgatory they need to spend, etc. I've listened to "masses" for people in my wife's family, LONG DEAD, who are still being prayed for, that God might accept them into Heaven. Jesus is a "minor" figure in the RCC. Mary is CENTRAL. They claim she is CO-Mediatrix!!! Anyone that thinks the RCC is Christian is deceiving themselves, and are Biblically illiterate, IMHO.
I understand that this is your opinion now, but do you feel that this RC'ism is just a "Religious" dodge to totally trying to understand Christ & His teachings, so they can just live the life they want to (ie sinful) then go someplace to get it absolved & then sin again?