“CBS This Morning” had Archbishop Dolan on yesterday (July 30) and he clarified what Pope Frances said. Charlie Rose asked ++Dolan if the Roman Church would ever change the Roman Church’s position on homosexual activities. ++Dolan flatly stated that they wouldn’t. ++Dolan reiterated (more than once) that the Roman Church hold’s sexual activity outside on male-female marriage is sinful. Ah the Main Stream Media’s and DHK twists and turns were foiled by a clear statement of the the orthodox Christian stance.
He is not saying “I’ve changed my mind about gay sex - it’s fine!” But if you were to go by what you read in the papers, he’s completely turned around the teaching of the Church on this. He hasn’t even said anything about relaxing or changing the ban on permitting men with same-sex attraction to become seminarians, yet it’s being reported as if Francis is saying “All gay and lesbian priests now all the time”.
What Francis was saying follows on from his emphasis on the mercy of God - do not fear to seek God because the mercy of God is ever-present for the truly repentant - and he was talking more about “I’m not interested in starting up a hunt to root out alleged gay religious” than “I think we were wrong on gay and lesbian people being permitted to marry”.
It’s telling that he quoted the Catechism in his answer and that part wasn’t included in the mainstream media reports, but eh - that’s more or less what you have to expect in religion reporting and DHK has repeatedly IGNORED the fact that he said it! DHK a little biased maybe?
He is not saying “I’ve changed my mind about gay sex - it’s fine!” But if you were to go by what you read in the papers, he’s completely turned around the teaching of the Church on this. He hasn’t even said anything about relaxing or changing the ban on permitting men with same-sex attraction to become seminarians, yet it’s being reported as if Francis is saying “All gay and lesbian priests now all the time”.
What Francis was saying follows on from his emphasis on the mercy of God - do not fear to seek God because the mercy of God is ever-present for the truly repentant - and he was talking more about “I’m not interested in starting up a hunt to root out alleged gay religious” than “I think we were wrong on gay and lesbian people being permitted to marry”.
It’s telling that he quoted the Catechism in his answer and that part wasn’t included in the mainstream media reports, but eh - that’s more or less what you have to expect in religion reporting and DHK has repeatedly IGNORED the fact that he said it! DHK a little biased maybe?