You keep repeating the same things over and over as if I don't get it.
I get it.
You are heavily invested in the right-wing propaganda fear machine and have oriented your life (given yourself in discipleship to it) to fight the culture wars. To do so you have had to abandon important parts of our discipleship (like telling the truth about one's "enemies," loving one's neighbors/enemies, turn the other cheek, do not repay evil for evil, etc.) in order to fight the culture wars more effectively. The culture wars are all about gaining/maintaining power in the world through the power of earthy kingdoms. The example of Jesus is the exact opposite of that.
God knows what is going on better than any of us, and the Jesus way is truth and life. The principles Jesus laid out are effective and eternal in God's terms. If Jesus wanted to usher in an earthly kingdom at this stage of history, He would have done it. The only methods we are authorized to used to influence the culture are the methods that come through Christian discipleship. There will come a day when the earth will be united under the Kingdom of God, but it will not come by human being wielding swords or passing laws.
In the present turmoil, consider the lesson Jesus taught The Twelve (Luke 8:22–25) -- Jesus and The Twelve were in a boat and Jesus fell fast asleep. While He was sleeping, a storm whipped up and the turbulence was so strong The Twelve were certain they were about to drown. In a panic, they woke Him up. He commanded the wind and waves to stop, chastising them for their lack of faith. They actually seemed to believe that God was going to allow everything to be destroyed.
There are people shouting at you, wanting you to panic and throw away your faith and your discipleship to Christ. Don't fall for it.