Gold Dragon said:
I gave you an answer for both socialism and marxism. 1.
The one policy to define a socialist is espousing government ownership of an industrial sector. You said Obama does that and maybe you are right. Please show it. And even if you can show it, that does not mean a whole lot because I see nothing wrong with being socialist.
The one policy to define a marxist is espousing socialism via violent overthrow of the government by the working class. I do not think you can show that Obama ever espoused Marxism.
Sorry Gold,
Apparently you missed my response to your earlier reply so I'll repeat them here:
I'm not asking for a definition of Socialism or Marxism.
I asked how many Socialist or Marxist ideals and/or principals regarding government (meaning how they run the government) must one espouse before it is acceptable to call them a Socialist or a Marxist?
I think we can make a pretty good case that Obama and the leadership of his Democratic Party favor [Socializing/Natioanlizing US Industry]. [Likewise, I am not asking if anyone here on the BB approves or disapproves of Socialism.]
This [violent overthrow] is not the one and only way Marxists try to overthrow governments according to the quote by Churchill who is quoting Lenin. They also try to work with an established system to elect weak governments, then work to undermine them, and when the weak government falls snatch absolute power and establish the Marxist state.]
Clearly we can make the case for both Obama and the DNC other DNC leaders being ib favor of socializing/nationalizing US Industries. Likewise, you have limited the Marxist form of government "overthrow" to only on means even though it has been demonstrated that "violent overthorw" is not the only means they use.
So please do not attempt to provide a definition of Socialism or Marxism at this point. We not talking about specifics yet.
All I want to know is how many Socialist or Marxist ideals and philosophies regarding government one must embrace or espouse before it is acceptable to call them a Socialist or a Marxist.