I don't have an answer to your question which is why I passed it up. You and I both know it's a loaded question to begin with. Espousing idea's of socialism is not the same as becoming socialism. It is just acknowledging there are some parts of the philosophy that may help in this time of crises. I can say this for sure, when all is said and done I'll doubt if we are a pure free market economy. Runaway greed got the best of that concept.
Back to espousing ideas, I see many "good" people working at the homeless shelter, volunteering, feeding the poor and showing much love for their fellowman. Those are Christian ideas but since these folks haven't accepted Christ they are not Christians. Espousing a part of an ideology is not the same as embracing the total philosophy. Like with Christianity, I don't think it is how many of the ideas you espouse. There is generally a true deciding factor like faith in Christ is to Christianity.
Having said that, there are many socialist countries like Canada for example that are doing just fine.