Is this because you think Trump is within his legal rights to do what he has done or because you vote on abortion line of politics?
I ask this because, the Vice President of the United States is more qualified to carry on your agenda and I do not understand why you continue to support someone that is self absorbed as Trump. He is in this for himself and nothing else.
I am not a Pence fan but I promise you, if Trump could go away I would be so happy to call Pence my President until 2020.
I said this from the beginning that if president Trump kept his promise to nominate a pro-life justice then he had kept his most important promise IMO.
I support him because
the establishment ACROSS THE BOARD has done a pile-on of unsubstantiated accusations. A bevy of allegations which somehow turn into "facts" and are reported as such.
This is a signal (to me anyway) that something "fishy" on their part is going on.
He was also within his legal rights to fire Comey who should be brought to justice for his "turning a blind eye" to the Clinton corruption machine (Server fiasco, Bill/Loretta airport meeting, etc).
IMO The Clinton machine and founders also need to be investigated for a Russian "deal".
Namely Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation.
Hopefully Mueller will not be intimidated and remain untouchable.
While Pence is a pro-life, born-again Christian and conservative he is a cookie-cutter establishment politician (my opinion of course). But, yes I would choose him over a pro-death politician although things would probably go back to the status quo of a do-nothing Republican party of "NO!" while the progressive liberals turn our nation into a marxist regime (again IMO).
I am a former JFK Democrat (blue-dog) and left my party because of the abortion issue.
I am not a conservative.
So says my wife who has tells me that I am a libertarian (and blames it on my upbringing by my Free Mason step-father).
FWIW I'm a small "i" independent.