He didn’t do crap for me except tax me and send it down to the southern states. He also tarried appliances I bought causing me to pay more and wait months for them. So what.
Beyond immediate needs, he is doing a lot for the common good.
Tariffs bring industries and jobs back into the country, lowers or eliminates the need for income tax.
Deportations decrease crime, increase real wages to liveable, reduces stress on hospitals and infrastructure in general.
Cutting waste could boost money available to essential services, to veterans, elderly, medical, pharmaceuticals etc etc.
Regaining energy self sufficiency has and over all deflationary effect. Reducing the cost of living.
Paying down debt, reduces the over all tax burden, making available more money for citizens essentials.
Border control reduces drug deaths, people trafficking and a host of associated evils.
Deal with the stoved in side of the ship first, then attend to the deck chair arrangement after.