If you call the teaching that the pope is AC is false teaching, then you are saying that every non Catholic church from the Waldensians when they published their treatise on Antichrist in about AD 1200 till about 1820, was teaching a false doctrine. It is you that is teaching a modern doctrine in these last days, and we know what Paul said about that in 1 Timothy 4:1
While many popes have been antichrists, so have many non-popes and non-catholix. But NONE has yet been "THE" particular antichrist. There have also been many "men of sin" since there have been men, but NONE has been "THE" man of sin mentioned by paul & others.
And I'm not ruling out that a pope or other high RC official could become the false prophet, the "beast from the earth". Rev. 17 indicated the RCC will be closely involved with the "man of sin" at first, but that he will turn on them when their usefulness to him is over.
No it is you who is guessing. The futurist teaching is guessing. Historicism is comparing scripture which is fulfilled and the history of its fulfillment. Your futurist belief is all guesswork, like evolution neither have been observed so you can teach what you like.
Big difference there. The eschatological events are prophesied IN SCRIPTURE, and Scripture, as originally written, is always 100% right. There was no human indication that J & the temple were gonna be destroyed when jesus prophesied they would be, but it happened. same with the "days of vengeance". At the time Jesus prophesied them, the Jewish political & religious leadership was in thick with the local Roman rulers, such as Valerius Gratus(who appointed Caiaphas as High Priest, & who was succeeded by Pontius Pilate) and, of course, Pilate himself.
That is just guesswork, no basis in scripture.
PLENTY of basis, from Daniel 7 thru Rev. 13.
Care to name another candidate for the prince of Daniel 9:26?
I can't understand your reasoning here. it seems to differ from all other futurist teaching that I have encountered and that is the GT will be 7 years and is the last seven years of the 490.
Why not? The beginning of Jesus' ministry marked the beginning of the 484th year, & this ministry only lasted 3.5 years, leaving the other 3.5 years to yet be fulfilled. Remember the enormity of the plagues of the trib, especially as set forth in Rev. 16. No flesh could survive 3.5 years of THOSE plagues, let alone SEVEN YEARS of them! With all life in the seas destroyed, & all green grass burned up, almost all the animals & fish man depends on for food will be gone as well, as will wheat, barley, rice, etc. which are grasses. I believe Jesus will end the trib before man's food stores run out, but still, many will starve. War, famine, & disease will be rampant. But Jesus will come & save man from extermination.
Jesus said unless these days should be shortened, he didn't mention 3½years, But the days were shortened in the Roman war allowing Christians to flee the tribulation.
No, that was NOT the great trib! There have been MANY worse events! You cannot deny THAT![/QUOTE]