Then, you SHOULD! You haven't presented one bit of credible evidence supporting it. But at least you're staying away from the obviously-goofy stuff such as "Josephus saw/heard chariots in the sky above Jerusalem."
I'm still getting used to the Baptist Board, and hit reply too soon instead of just grabbing some quotes to reply to. I am changing comments to italics, and mine to bold to help distinguish them.
Since I AM fully convinced that the "futurist" view is wrong, it would be wrong for me to rejoin that "camp" just because it's the popular view. I had heard something about Josephus and chariots above Jerusalem, but I don't really believe it. Then again, I've never read Josephus for myself.
I don't see how anyone who has any knowledge of ancient world history could be convinced that preterism is truthful! There's not one quark of EVIDENCE supporting it!
OTOH, I find it odd that someone such as yourself, who does have a lot of knowledge of the ancient world, could fail to see the evidence of preterism.
You're acting in typical pret fashion. When asked about such things as the marka the beast, etc. you retreat into the shell of "Those Scriptures are SYMBOLIC!" Well, it WON'T WORK!
We see Jesus' prophecies that HAVE already been fulfilled as being fulfilled LITERALLY, TO-THE-LETTER, and not just the Olivet Discourse. Jesus prophesied about his own death, saying it'd be by crucifixion, that all His disciples would temporarily desert Him, , etc. etc.
And again, the LITERAL fulfillment so far of the Olivet Discourse is most-telling! No one can truthfully deny the FACTS posted in the OP of this thread. There's simply NO CREDIBLE REASON to believe the fulfillment of the remainder won't be JUST-AS-LITERAL as the already-accomplished fulfillments.
I'll take the comments about me acting in a "typical pret fashion" as a compliment. However, we don't retreat into a shell of "symbolism" any more or less than futurists retreat into a shell of "literal fulfillment".
Sorry, but preterism is built upon a man-made foundation of hot air. Scripture & history prove it false. I have asked you to provide **PROOF/EVIDENCE/DOCUMENTATION** that the events prets SAY have already occurred, HAVE actually already occurred, and you've come up EMPTY, still trying to reduce Scriptures that are inconvenient to the pret view to "symbolic" status.WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO FOOL YOURSELF??????????????????????????
The futurist view is man-made, and modern Christians have gone for it hook, line, and sinker. As I've said before, this comes down to interpretation. You will never see proof of things that will never literally happen.
This reminds me about a story of Hermann Goering during WW2. Goering told the German people that "if one enemy bomb falls upon Germany, you can call me Meyer."(an insult to Germans of that time) Shortly after he said that, the British bombed a german city; in that fight, some british planes were shot down. Some soldiers had Goering come & inspect the remains of one plane, which was very-obviously British. Goering made all sorts of excuses, and finally issued an "executive order" that this plane was NOT British, & NO British bombs fell upon Germany! That's what preterism reminds me of; A DENIAL OF REALITY!
Good story. I was watching a John Wayne movie recently, and a line caught my attention. A sheriff had a hot-headed deputy who was in a big hurry to make a big mistake. The sheriff told his deputy "the problem with you is that you're like an owl. The more light you shine on him, the less you see." Seems to fit in this case.
Stay tuned for the coming "Your Hero Nero" thread!