Well-Known Member
First, I'd like to thank you for the compliment. Though we disagree on this topic, I can see that you know your Scriptures and your history quite well. As you say, Scripture shapes history, not vice versa.The disciples had asked Jesus some questions, and He answered them matter-of-factly. And we see those parts of the Olivet Discourse that HAVE come to pass have done so LITERALLY, EXACTLY, TO-THE-LETTER. I pointed out those things in the OP of this thread. Thus, there's no reason to believe the rest of the OD isn't as literal as the parts that are fulfilled.
While you seemtabee a bright fellow, you need to learn that preterism is all man-made and false. The jeezits invented it to protect the pope from being called the antichrist.
That's for the simple, obvious reason that it HASN'T HAPPENED YET! The sun & moon will be partially obscured by the smoke & dust from the cosmological disturbance Jesus prophesied in Matt. 24:29-30 & that Joel mentioned as well. Remember, Joel mentioned columns of fire as well.
Well, actually, the "dispy explanation" is supported by reality and actual history. And Jesus said that when the "abomination of desolation" was seen, it'd be time to skeedaddle at once! (Matt. 24:16-17) He didn't say anything in Matthew about armies surrounding J, but He did in Luke 21:20-24. Putting these Scriptures together, we see that the destruction of J & the temple was part of the "days of vengeance" Jesus had prophesied against the Jews for all the murders of the righteous up til that time, from Abel onward. BUT THE PROPHESIED ESCHATOLOGICAL EVENTS SIMPLY HAVEN'T YET HAPPENED!
Now, why do I believe my view of Biblical prophecy is correct? As I said earlier, I have three encyclopediae, Britannica, Collier's, & World Book, in fronta me, among many other boox. And NONE of them have the slightest hint of any of these events having already occurred. Remember, SCRIPTURE SHAPES HISTORY, not vice versa, so a reality check shows those prophesied events are still future. Prets attempt to "symbolize" any "inconvenient" Scriptures of prophecy that's yet to be fulfilled, as their doctrine is more important to them than the TRUTH is.
As I said, you seemtabee a bright fellow, so isn't it time for you to take another closer, detailed, in-depth look at preterism and realize it can't possibly be true?
Getting back to the passage in Acts 2, Peter explained to his audience that what was happening right in front of their eyes was in fulfillment of Joel's prophecy. No way around that. We need to interpret all Scripture according to the sense in which it was written. If we were to take Isaiah 55:12 in a literal sense, we would expect to see mountains and hills singing and trees clapping their hands. Obviously, the prophet used poetic language in this passage. I don't mean to come across as condescending, but we interpret poetry one way, history another, and prophetic symbolism yet another. I'll look up some examples of prophetic symbolism shortly.
Doctrine must never trump TRUTH. That is why I don't believe the "dispy" view - because it simply is not true. You are looking for a literal fulfillment of events that have symbolic descriptions. The "cosmic calamities" of the Olivet Discourse will never come to pass in a literal sense, but they have already come to pass in a symbolic sense.
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