I am pointing out that some members will complain about abuses and insults yet remain silent when it comes from one of their own. It shows a lack of conviction and character."The guilty always cry "innocent" the loudest."
"That, SGO, is what I have been pointing you towards."
Make it personal Jon why don't you?
Christians stand firmly.....not as reeds blowing in the wind. But when it comes to politics and Calvinism (perhaps a few other topics) you will see some Christians going along with what they would condemn if directed towards a member of their camp.
Do you believe that is a Christian trait?
We're I to call you insane do you believe that would be inappropriate?
You and I disagree on many things, but I would not allow that of directed towards you or any other member. Why? Because we have to be consistent. Character is not "going with the flow" but standing for what is right.