Ah yes. Whether they admit it or not? Right?
What forum are you reading from????? Can't you read the converted Catholics who are opposing you on this forum???? Do I have to name them????? Some have been into Catholicism for 20 to 35 years and you are going to tell them they don't understand the salvation doctrine of Rome? Why are they defending my salvation position if they agree with you? Come on, this is rediculous!
Again no matter what they say. How you interpret something may not be how 1) it is defined 2) how others see it.
I have been a Christian for nearly 40 years and an ardent student of the Bible most of those years. You really think that I can't tell the difference between what I believe as a Baptist versus what the Catholic Catechism teaches about salvation? Do you really believe these ex-Catholics don't understand that their new faith in the gospel is different than their past Roman beliefs? Come one, this is rediculous!
I know a ton. Ton of course is an exageration but sufficient to convey the principle I know many. Some of whom are my friends.
Do your friends have the same problem that you have complained about at least since the time I have been on this forum? If so, don't you think that it is the person's responsibility who uses such a motiff that creates so much misunderstanding, confusion, and division to change to a more responsible and Christian motif or is God the author of confusion?????
Ah clearly then you aren't distinguishing what I so clearly identified as sanctification. Which places you in your own view of what Catholics believe which I find humorous.
I don't care what you define as justification or sanctification but what the scriptures teach them to be. Rome's view is not the Biblical view nor is it my view and I am perfectly capable of determining what the Roman Catholic Catechism defines as justification versus what I define as justification and they are not the same. The view you are defending may not be Rome's view per se but it is the same view in principle - "works" (see Rom. 3:27).
I like "so many" I can easily say so many have a problem with you.
That is a laugh! Nobody, and I mean Nobody has any doubts where I stand on anything I say. I don't hide behind deceptive arguments or conceal my views on any subject. Your the one who is creating this confusion not I. Your using the Devil's line of defense. When his deceptions are exposed he simply attacks the one exposing them rather than deal with his own problems that he is the author.
The issue at hand is people who are of like mind with you have the same issue.
Finally! Confession is good for the soul. People who are like minded with me in regard to the Biblical doctrine of justification as a completed action at the point of faith in the gospel have no other recourse but to agree with the Biblical condemnation of those who deny that essential and fundemental truth of the one and only gospel (Gal. 1:6-9).
But that is no supprise. Salvation for me is a lot simpler than it is for you. If you believe that Jesus is the Messiah and was Raised on the Third day and that he is comming again and hold to the principle of the trinity and are submitted to this belief than you are saved.
That surely does not represent my view!!!!! I don't believe you have to know anything about the Trinity to be saved. I don't believe you have to be a theologion to be saved. I believe that you simply have to believe in what God reveals to you through the gospel to be saved - later you can be taught other things (Mt. 28:20). That is precisely why I said a person can be saved regardless of what denomination he might belong to. Simple faith in Christ as sufficient to satisfy God's wrath against you and meet your need as a sinner is all you need to know to be saved. HOWEVER, THAT SIMPLE FAITH IN THE GOSPEL AS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE YOU DOES NOT CONTRADICT THE BIBILICAL DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH.
Any profession of faith or confession to be a Christian that does contradict the Biblical doctrine of justification is evidence of a lost religious person (Mt. 7:21-23) as they reject the very "foundation" of salvation.
You are right, I do not believe that mere profession with religious practice and convictions or devout lives prove anything as man is naturally religious and devout to whatever he commits himself to (Mt. 7:22). Demeanor can be deceptive and the fruits of the Spirit can be counterfeited. However, the truth of the gospel does not change nor does it depend upon any externals whatsoever although it is manifested by such externals.
And thus you have my sympathies.
Your salvation is all about the house whereas Christ's salvation is all about the "foundation." There are houses built on both foundations - the sand foundation of justification by the principle of works and the foundation of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. You need to believe in the true gospel of Christ and you can keep your sympathies because I don't need them.