I don't care what you define as justification or sanctification
Well, here you speak the truth. In fact, you care less what I actually believe but find it sufficient to hold views of me whether or not I hold that perspective. I've told you what I believe about justification and yet you say "I don't care" which means discussion with you is pointless since you find it sufficient to accuse me of Catholicism whether or not I believe it! Don't you find that ludicrious? Well, I do. But at least now we know that even if I go to a baptist church and hold to the westminster confession of faith. You could care less. You have to accuse me no matter what. Show your position.
That is a laugh! Nobody, and I mean Nobody has any doubts where I stand on anything I say.
Just because they don't doubt where you stand doesn't mean they don't have an issue with your or your stance.
I don't hide behind deceptive arguments or conceal my views on any subject. Your the one who is creating this confusion not I. Your using the Devil's line of defense. When his deceptions are exposed he simply attacks the one exposing them rather than deal with his own problems that he is the author.
Yes the age old argument the devil is under the bed! Ha! I've explained my actual position on several topics you just need to look them up. I've told you about my salvation experience, my views on justification , my views on the church, etc and that is just this thread. There are many others as well.
Finally! Confession is good for the soul. People who are like minded with me in regard to the Biblical doctrine of justification as a completed action at the point of faith in the gospel have no other recourse but to agree with the Biblical condemnation of those who deny that essential and fundemental truth of the one and only gospel (Gal. 1:6-9).
All that means is birds of a feather. However, the deeper point that I've made on this thread really isn't about justification but questioning your mindless acceptance that "if" we are sola scriptura we "would all come to the same understanding about key issues of the Christian faith" which I actually disproved. It is you who must insist on your view of "justification". My view is spelled out and to be honest I don't really see that much of a difference with your view. But you wouldn't know that because you "don't care" what I actually believe. I've, in your mind, have become the good "bad guy" without really understanding me.
That surely does not represent my view!!!!! I don't believe you have to know anything about the Trinity to be saved.
I ensured the statement about the trinity because I purposely wanted to leave out Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, and such groups. I think its encumbant upon the evangelist that bring people to the lord teach enough about God that new converts understand at least the jist of the Trinity.
I don't believe you have to be a theologion to be saved.
Neither do I but your the one sending people to hell for not holding to your view of justification whether a one time event or progressive. Not I. I'm just saying people should have the right idea about God. Thus he is one God not many and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one God with the Father. That is all and even if you don't understand that perfectly I won't hold it against you because its a tough one.
I believe that you simply have to believe in what God reveals to you through the gospel to be saved - later you can be taught other things (Mt. 28:20).
hey Marcion agrees with you! Go figure.
That is precisely why I said a person can be saved regardless of what denomination he might belong to.
No you haven't you've made certain churches fall under your "another gospel" and are damned caveat. not me you.
Simple faith in Christ as sufficient to satisfy God's wrath against you and meet your need as a sinner is all you need to know to be saved.
Simple except that if its another gospel in your mind from yours they are damned. And you've made it impossible for Catholics, Orthdox, Anglicans, Copts, Episcopals, Church of Christ, Dutch Reformed Calvinist, to be saved.
You are right, I do not believe that mere profession with religious practice and convictions or devout lives prove anything as man is naturally religious and devout to whatever he commits himself to (Mt. 7:22). Demeanor can be deceptive and the fruits of the Spirit can be counterfeited. However, the truth of the gospel does not change nor does it depend upon any externals whatsoever although it is manifested by such externals.
Are you saying you believe in a visible church? Your begining to sound Catholic!!!

I believe the bible
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another
5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive
Your salvation is all about the house whereas Christ's salvation is all about the "foundation." There are houses built on both foundations - the sand foundation of justification by the principle of works and the foundation of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. You need to believe in the true gospel of Christ and you can keep your sympathies because I don't need them
Again, I don't believe in works save me but that I'm saved unto good works. Big difference. Unlilke you I emphasize grace. I am saved by Grace (alone) through faith in Christ (alone). My justification is more that as Luther mentioned it "poop (because his example was a bit more vulgar) covered in snow" I am righteous indeed and will be sanctified throughout my life if I am willing. However, you place it on justification rather than grace.
And though you don't need my sympathies they are still given.