Alive in Christ
New Member
Your post here puts the COC in cult-like status. They believe that baptism is a requirement for salvation nullifying what you just stated. Their gospel (which Paul terms accursed) is a message of works. It is directly opposed to the message of grace and faith in Eph.2:8,9.
What? I'm not COC. I'm Baptist.
Whether the COC study their Bibles or not, is not the question or is not even relevant. They can study their Bibles 24/7. But as long as they believe that salvation is by works and not by grace through faith, they remain a cult, and it is impossible to be saved through that message. Baptism does not save; it gets a person wet, but has no salvic power.
DHK, these COC folks I am referring to consider sincere Baptists to be born again. And they view us that way knowing full well that we hold to faith alone.
So how can you say they deny it?