DHK, is that not what each of us do when we tout any theological position that we hold. Sure, we back it us with what we claim is "scriptural support" but at the end of the day it comes down to us having trust and faith that "we" properly "divide" scripture and interpret the principles and precepts of the Holy Bible. As I see it, there are certain fundamental things that we "all should" agree upon to agree with one another as being called "christian", but my guess is that your list and mine might be different.
Origen was a heretic basing much of his beliefs on Greek philosophy rather than the Bible. Even the Catholic Church recognized this. "Is this what each of us do," you ask????? No, far from it. My only standard in all matters of faith and doctrine is the Bible, not Greek philosophy. What is your standard: existentialism? I hope you get the point there!
Ireneus believed that Christ lived to the age of 80. Chapter and verse please! His ministry began at 30, when he was baptized. It lasted for three years at which age he was crucified. How do you get 80 out of that? "Is this what each of us do," you ask? NO, it isn't. We take the Word of God, and rightly divide according to the command of God as told by Paul in 2Tim.2:15.
If your list is different, then find out why. Study to show yourself approved unto God. What I pointed out in my post was that the ECF believed in some damnable heresies as the Bible calls it. They were heresies that no Christian should tolerate, and yet the Orthodox and the RCC uses them as the very foundation for their faith, putting their writings almost on equal footing with the Scriptures themselves.