According to Scripture, death passed upon ‘all men’ for all have sinned. Death did not pass upon Enoch or Elijah. Let me reiterate. Death did NOT pass upon ‘all’ men even though Scripture states that death passed upon ‘all’ men. This makes the point as clear as crystal that ‘all’ can indeed have exceptions to the rule, especially in the common parlance Scripture is written in.
As far as either Enoch or Elijah being sinless, read my lips carefully. ANYONE THAT SAYS I HAVE CLAIMED THEY ‘WERE’ SINLESS IS BEING LESS THAN TRUTHFUL and as such is clearly misrepresenting what I believe, have stated, or implied. Believe as you will. It makes absolutely no difference to me. If some of you cannot accept the fact that where I admit to a ‘possibility,’ that in no wise constitutes making a firm judgment, who cares. Get a life. I make no doctrine out of this issue and require no one to agree with me. Make anyone sinful you so desire. Go ahead and be the eternal judge of another mans servant. I can indeed warn you that you may well end up being chastised by God much in the same manner Job’s miserable comforters were, but for now, with the ability of some so arrogantly profess to having, the ability to see into the heart of Elijah and Enoch and divine sin where Scripture and even God Himself are silent, judge on. Knock yourselves out. Instead of derailing this thread with your rants, why not start a thread on the sins of Enoch and Elijah where you can pontificate and judge others all day long as to what constitutes sin in anothers life that lived a few thousand years prior.
It is high time for some on this list to investigate Scripture as to what constitute sin following the set guidelines of Scripture and reason our judgment should be bound within those stated guidelines, but that will have to be another thread.
This thread is about Psalms 51: 5 and whether or not the sin mentioned proves anything in regards to a sinful nature from birth or if in fact it addresses the circumstances of the physical union that occurred between his mother and father that in the eyes of the law constituted sin. If you have nothing to add on the topic of this thread, again, why not start one that will be in line with your obvious desires to pontificate and judge concerning? :thumbs: