If it were possible for there to be a Systematic Theology that the Church could derive from Scripture and come into agreement with, then yes, that would be a good thing. The problem I see, though, is that whatever that Systematic Theology was...it would interfere with what most want to believe is true.
We have the truth of the Word of God as our guide, yet refusal to embrace a concept of error on our part demands a separation between differing groups of Christians. I think it very reasonable for many to want an ordered system of belief in regards to Scripture, and that this is why men adopt Systems that are available. I think this is why many are attracted to the Catholic Church, because we would think that if anything is going to be orderly in this world...it would be Christianity, right? Particularly when we are commanded to be orderly, lol, and in agreement.
But it's no different, I feel, than how most of us choose which fellowship we are going to attend: we look around until we find a group that...agrees with us.
God bless.