I guess there is only one question left, at least that I can think
If the Gospel call goes out to all, and powerful grace is extended to all,why doesn't everyone come?
Listen to what the scripture says.
So then God mercies whom He will and whom He will He hardens...
What does this passage say? Does it say that they were unable to respond to God's grace because they are children of Adam excluded from God and rejected before they were born?
No. It says they are hardened. (Passive verb receiving the action of hardening)
If it was just a matter of their nature in Adam, WHAT NEED WOULD THERE be FOR GOD TO HARDEN THEM.
This is not a hardness based on Adam. This is a judicial hardness based on their own unbelief. Look at all the passages in the Bible about judicial hardness
For the apostle said the Gentiles obtained righteousness without seeking while the unbelieving Jews did not obtain righteousness for the simple reason that they did not attain it through faith
So they were not rejected because God excluded them before they were born. They were rejected because they stumbled at the rock of offense and sought justification by works of the Law instead of faith.
The whole point of Romans in the first place. Justified by faith not Law.
And you Calvinists take the Jacob/Esau passage to teach UE. But that is not Paul's point. Jacob represents those of faith and Esau represents those who strive for Law righteousness
A similar analogy as the one Paul uses in Galatians with Isaac and Ishmael
That is why the apostle said it is not based on works or what one does, or how hard he runs
This way it fits the flow of the book.