I was a backwards fundamentalist for years. I've read this hayseed, pseudo-scholarly mess before.
And that is your problem, well stated. You had a bad experience in a "backwards" IFB church that as you infer was not probably well-educated. You have talked of your experience before. Then, unfairly (and illogically) you take this big brush and paint all IFB churches with that same brush.
I moderate the Other Christian Denom. Forum. You give the exact same reasoning why some have left IFB and have become Catholics. Sad, but true. You became an ardent Calvinist and Preterist; they became Catholics. And Why? Because of a bad experience in a certain genre of IFB churches that most here would not approve of in the first place. Get over it!!! Quit whining! And stop slandering the entire movement by your bad experience!
Before I was educated I made the exact same arguments you do. I read the same backwards sites you quote from. I used to preach against alcohol by the barrel and by the thimble-full. Billy Sunday used to be my favorite preacher.
Before you were educated?
Don't give yourself too much credit.
Did you really spend much time in the last link I gave you? I doubt it. There is a lot of scholarship in that article and it is extensive, unlike the first one.
Billy Sunday was an entertainer. He could be a powerful preacher. He knew how to get people's attention. But we know he didn't have a college education, so your argument doesn't hold water.
Then the scales fell off, I learned that IFB is a new movement- YOUNGER THAN THE PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!!-
The "Fundamentalist" movement are those who have fought for the fundamentals of the faith.
Machen was a fundamentalist. He didn't like the name-tag "fundamental" and was not ashamed in stating so. But for the sake of unity and standing with his fundamental brethren, he fought alongside them against the modernism and liberalism of the day.
Dr. Bob Jones Sr. Jr. III are all fundamentalists. Bob Jones University is the only Fundamental University in America. There are many colleges, but it is the only University, and the graduates are mostly Baptists. Its standard of education cannot be matched.
On this board are Thomas Cassidy and Fred Moritz--both Fundamental Baptists. You ought to read some of their books or published materials. Look them up; go to their websites.
Don't slam what you don't know about.
and that its champions like J. Frank Norris were ignorant trouble-makers, and that Christians for thousands of years did not believe this kind of nonsense.
Norris, in the end, got himself into some trouble. Who doesn't.
But for all the good that he did, in comparison what have you done?
I am telling you that NO REAL BIBLE SCHOLAR argues for teetotalism.
Then you don't know much about scholarship, nor have you even considered them You also write off MacArthur himself. I noticed you want to play a game of semantics to justify his stand. His stand: that all should "abstain from alcoholic beverages." That is what is written in his book. I don't use the word "teetotaller." A person either abstains or he doesn't. MacArthur abstains. That is clear enough to me. Don't muddy the waters by your semantics.
Some are abstentionists, but only redneck, hayseed, backwater fundies and Pentecostals and the like preach teetotalism.
Teetotalism is as unbiblical and backwards as KJVO- or worse.
I am not playing your game of semantics.
The Bible clearly teaches to abstain. But you won't listen to the Bible. I will wait until you read that last link that I posted. He goes through every possible objection that a person could possibly have.