Really, who can cast blame on the Calvinists for following creeds and confessions to better express “their” beliefs of what the scriptures must reveal as truth?
The mark of a Calvinist is to claim that the scriptures are their authority and in the same breath turn right around and desperately attempt to justify their faithful following of manmade creeds and/or confessions by claiming that since the authors of such, who used “their” philosophical “reasoning” to support it by scriptures, somehow places that scriptural authority into the creeds. I get it:
What they ignorantly fail to realize is that they have just displayed that they have unwittingly transferred the authority of the scriptures from their own reasoning to the other men’s reasoning concerning the meaning of these scriptures. (Col 2:8) Therefore the mark of the Calvinist is to demonstrate their own poor reasoning skills over and over again seen in that they can’t hold on to a thought long enough for their reasoning to be of value to them anyway. No problem guys, I understand.
Don’t worry, I get it. We
What you do not get, or resist is the fact that trained men who can open up the scriptures are given by God as gifts to the church in Eph4...
You want to suggest that the Spirit of God cannot work in and through many men through Church History who speak ...scripture , not bedate fallacies, logical carnal the Spirit is given so we can compare spiritual things with Spiritual things...1 cor 2
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
The very idea you try and use to undermine these godly men, is the very thing that condemns the worldly philosophy and debate rules you want to replace scripture with...Your lack of response to 12 strings demonstrates it.:thumbsup: